
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I love moving.

I love moving into a new flat, house, or room.
I love the first weeks, sleeping on the carpet surrounded by cardbord boxes and drawings of hypotetical room arrangements, ideas for a new private geography that will determine how i will feel and what i will get up to in that room. eating with few ingredients, or take outs, camping stove or electric kettle meals.

15 min. electric kettle meal
will need: assorted raw veggies (carrots, courgette, tomatoes, spinach,scallop) and some tinned ones (green beans)
a good knife and chopping board
rice noodles
chop the veggies and open the tins (5 min.)
in the meantime, put water in the kettle and bring it to the boil.
Pour the boiling water on rice noodles, and let sit for 8 min. (10 min)
mix the two together
Intrinsecal to moving is exploring the neighborhood, finding a favourite bakers, a favourite route to the shops, to the centre, to the station. Touring all the scrouzy bars and deciding which one served you the worse coffee and had the lousiest wall adornments, getting to know the neighbours and spotting the ones that will be trouble in advance.

i could go on forever.

but i would just love to show you the path along the river that i walked down yesterday, connecting, loosly, the train station to my new top floor flat, the yellow xmas lighting on the bridge in the distance reflecting in the dark river, the towers from the empty cement factory standing high against the mountain, and the evening, icy and clear, was beautiful.

Fourth floor, and i have never lived up so high in my life. nothing compared to c.´s new council flat, towering high above south london, but still a respectable hight for a ground floor aficionado like me.
and it is playful noisy ghosts that i fear might get annoying if we don´t start to show them who exactly it is that pays rent here. Last night, the moment everyone shut the door to their room, loud noises of glass rolling around in the kitchen. G. gets up, and the noises stop. This morning, loud stomping noises all around. I get up, they stop.
i have no experience in dealing with ghosts, but i am not scared.


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